Joe Gallagher Writer/ActorDaniel Robbins DirectorZack Weiner Writer/Actor
The Modern Insurgent Team
Michael Archer Chief Reporter Conflict JournalistAntoine Brimbal Founder & Editor-in-Chief Conflict JournalistAdrian Cornejo Head of Internal Relations/ Human ResourcesLiam Coyle Head of Photojournalism PhotojournalistRowan Glass Anthropologist, Journalist, Editor, and Filmmaker
Musical Performances
Michael Alexandersson Singer/Musician
Evelyn Lopez DJ/Co-Director KTSW Music DepartmentRosa Martinez Writer/DJ/Activist
Featured Speakers
Richeler Aladin Film Professor/ProducerLucas Kraft PhotographerLouie Dean Valencia NEH Distinguished Professor in the HumanitiesMadison Woodrom HistorianAthene Yowell Video Game Developer
Louie Dean Valencia NEH Distinguished Professor in the HumanitiesCole Ramirez Photographer